Thursday, December 13, 2012

Chain Letter Link-Up!

This amazing chain letter "link-up" idea was created by Teach Speech 365.  It is in an effort to connect all these great SLP/education blogs.  

This is how the chain letter will work: Teach Speech 365 interviewed 4 bloggers (myself included).  Now I have had the opportunity to interview 2 additional bloggers, who will in turn interview 2 more. Each of those will interview 2, etc. Each will also do a blog post with the interview questions and adding the "Chain Letter Link-Up" label. Hopefully, readers will enjoy following the chain and you might be introduced to some new blogs! Thanks to everyone who agreed to participate!


Here is my information:

Here are the two amazing SLPs I interviewed.....

1. Your name, email, blog address, link to TpT store if you have one
Tatyana Elleseff
I use TPT only for purchases at this time

2. When and why did you start blogging?
I started mainstream blogging fairly recently in August of 2011, when I became an occasional contributor to ashasphere. Later that year I started blogging on my own website at my husband's suggestion that I turn my previously written articles into blog posts. I started out blogging because I couldn't find information available on the topics that I was interested in (Internationally Adopted Children, language disorders secondary to psychiatric impairments, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, etc) so since I knew something about it I decided to post it.

3. What is your favorite population to work with?
Children with alcohol related deficits; children with psychiatric impairments, internationally adopted children from Eastern Europe; bilingual/multicultural children

4. How much time per week do you spend blogging and/or creating materials?
It varies and depends on inspiration; I can do several posts in a row or not blog for a month due to numerous other projects and commitments

5. What's your favorite topic to create materials for?
I actually don't create any original materials but I enjoy using what I have purchased at TPT or gotten as a Freebie through TPT and FB. My two favorite topics are semantic flexibility and social pragmatic language skills.

6. What's the best thing about blogging?
You get your voice out there and you find out that people are really interested and appreciative of what you have to say. It becomes incredibly addictive actually. When people are so complimentary, you really don't want to stop, you just want to post more.

7. Do you have any blogging tips?
Don't force it! Write when the inspiration strikes you. I've never been the type of a person who sat by the laptop and just had to produce something when i really didn't feel like writing. I find that I am most productive when I am inspired by something whether its an idea, an image, or a topic.

8. Add a question and answer of your choice (can be speech related or not).
For those of you using RTI, I'd love to know how it has been working out for you. I am a HUGE proponent of preventive care be in in medicine and speech pathology, so RTI makes great sense to me. However, because of my work settings (hospital and private practice) I've never had an opportunity to really implement it in action on a massive scale. So I would love to know your thoughts on this?

Come visit my FB page for continuous freebies and frequent giveaways-the current of which is a wordless picture book packet.

Special thanks to Kristine Lamb of livelovespeech for interviewing me for this project!

1. Your name, email, blog address, link to TpT store if you have one
Jennifer Shamberger

2. When and why did you start blogging?
I just started last month. I had been thinking about it for a while and finally just took the plunge. I want a place where I can share ideas and force my self to become more creative with how I am delivering service. I love the community of people that is forming and really just want to grow from it.

3. What is your favorite population to work with?
I love working with students with Autism Spectrum Disorders

4. How much time per week do you spend blogging and/or creating materials?
Probably about 10-15 hours.

5. What's your favorite topic to create materials for?
Auditory memory and phonemic awareness are big skills I am working on with students right now. I also make a lot of visual supports for communication with my students with ASD.

6. What's the best thing about blogging?
So far, just keeping a record for myself about activites I am trying. Also, I love having links to other blogs and gaining ideas there too.

7. Do you have any blogging tips?
So far I feel like I am just winging it and learning myself. I am just trying to figure out the tech side of the blog- I feel a little overwhelmed sometimes because there is so much I don't know!

8. Add a question and answer of your choice (can be speech related or not).
What is your favorite activity to do with your students?
I love it when I get to create things with my students, whether it is a craft or a story. I love their creativity!

FREEBIE courtsey of SpeechUniverse
It is called Winter People Sentences- Verb Match

Thanks everyone for participating and viewing!
Live Love Speech

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for including me! If anyone wants to be interviewed by me, send me an email at
